ATTN: Men! It's Time to Shed That Winter Coat!Brazilian Waxing New York NYC for All Your Waxing Needs
For years, men's grooming has been neglected by the media and let's face it, a majority of men. But now in 2010, the masses have finally caught up with the importance of manscaping.
With spring around the corner, it's time for some good old fashioned spring cleaning as well as putting away your winter coats. For men, that's not as simple as throwing your coats in the attic for the summer, it often means waxing off what you've been hiding under your shirt.
Waxing - This year, don't bother your girlfriend or roommate with the odious task waxing your back, just come into NYC's
Dyanna Body & Nail Salon, which is renowned for its waxing. And for all you non-believers, here are a few reasons why waxing is better than the alternative:
- Hair grows back after 8 weeks, soft and smooth.
- No stubble.
- And, of course you can also get some hairy designs on your body customized – the upcoming trend after tattoos. (You know you want to).
Mani/Pedi - No, I'm not suggesting you paint your nails a tropical pink, you don't have to paint them at all. Manicures and pedicures are more for maintaining the skin and the health of the nails so nasty fungi don't flourish during those hot summer months. Added bonus: you don't have to dig your toes into the sand while laying out at the beach!
Electrolysis - Although above I mentioning waxing but for some more sensitive areas (i.e. the Uni-brow) you may want to consider something more permanent for hair removal. Electrolysis is the process in which a very fine probe is inserted into the hair follicle at the surface of the skin and the hair is then removed harmlessly with forceps. It only takes a few minutes and depending on how your hair grows you may not need that many treatments at all. Plus, it really doesn't hurt so stop worrying!
To find out more about
waxing and to schedule an appointment or consult with one of our expert aestheticians about which treatments would be right for you, and to check out our affordable pricing please go to:
Dyanna Body & Nail Salon has been voted
Best Spa of NYC and Best of NYC. We are located in the heart of Manhattan in the Gramercy Park/ Flatiron area and are easily reachable by train, bus, taxi, or car:
Dyanna Body & Nail Salon
150 E. 39th Street, New York, NY