4 Ways To Ensure The Flakes of 2010 Are Made of Snow, NOT Skin!
Winter is almost over and spring is on its way but are you ready to shed your layers or will your skin be dried, cracked, and flaky? The winter chill does a lot of damage to our skin and since it’s our largest organ, it really is important that we take care of it to guarantee that when the spring comes our skin is moisturized, soft, and glowing. There are several easy steps to help your skin retain its health during the cold winter months. The Doctor’s Senior Exercise suggests that after showers do not completely dry your skin. Leave yourself a little damp and apply a small amount of baby oil to each part of your body and pat (not rub) yourself dry. While this is a great at home tip to fight dry skin, chances are it’s not enough.
As hard as you try, dry skin will accumulate and you will often get an ashy or dull look to your skin. I’m pretty sure it’s safe to say no one wants to look ashy or dull so I will give you a few great tips to ease the effects of winter on your body and on your mind.
- Get regular manicures and pedicures! Regular manicures and pedicures help maintain skins health all year long. Manicures keep your skin soft, your nails trim, and your hands professional. But I know pedicures may seem a little silly in the middle of the winter since no one will see your beautifully painted toes but during the winter months your feet and legs really take a beating. Besides, isn’t it embarrassing enough when you dry, cracked and callused feet rub against your man or woman under the sheets? Talk about killing the mood! We suggest the Jelly Pedi, which is designed to exfoliate as well as hydrate dry skin. It really is the ultimate relief from stress and your feet’s aching muscles.
- Facials. I don’t know how to stress the importance of facials to keep your skin young, fresh and rejuvenated. Regardless of how much moisturizer you put on your face during the winter it isn’t going to match the effect that one facial can give you. Facials give your skin the glow and luster the chill strips away. The exfoliation can help rid the buildup of cracked skin around your nose and mouth (usually leftover from a cold or a mean case of the sniffles) and give another layer of skin the chance to shine! Our recommendation for the winter months is the Peeling Facialwhich exfoliates using enzymes from fruits and veggies to free your face of tired and dull surface skin cells!
- Body Treatments. I know it’s easy to treat your exposed parts to a higher pedigree than the rest but the other 90% is taking a stand! Try the Four Layer Treatment to re-hydrate, re-mineralize and re-balance your skin or try the Hydra Dew Express Lift with Dill Vitamin Vegetable Mask. The Hydra Dew Express Lift provides immediate in-depth moisturizing and reduces irritation that the winter skin often brings.
- Massages. Like we’ve mentioned before the rapid drops in temperature from day to day, leave your muscles feeling fatigued, sore and stiff. This can easily be fixed with a Hot Stone Massage. During your massage you can let go of your worries, forget about your next deadline and how you maybe strayed from your New Year’s Resolution. Let the warmth of the stones drown out the frigid weather and enjoy this hour of peace and tranquility as our professionals drain your body of stress and muscle tension.
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